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New Semester 新學期
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Topic 主題:New Semester 新學期

This week, we’re getting back to school after a long and restful winter break. Students are already working hard this semester- we really hit the ground running! Students are busy preparing for sports competitions, the english singing competition, doing their homework, and working hard to improve their skills every day. I hope everyone is finding a moment to rest in between all their hard work.

During winter break, I had the chance to visit many places around Taiwan, and learn a lot. I’m glad I got to go! I used my time as wisely as possible- to make vlogs and take pictures with your mini-me drawings. I hope you all will enjoy the videos, and learn something just like I did. 

My favorite place to visit was keelung. I love hiking, and got to visit a beautiful hiking trail while I was there. Taiwan is such a beautiful place, and I am so lucky to be living here now. See you next week!


在寒假期間,我有機會到台灣的許多地方旅行,也學到了很多新知。我很高興能夠去探索!我盡可能充分利用時間,拍攝 vlog 和與你們的小小分身繪畫合影。我希望大家會喜歡這些影片,並且能像我一樣學到新東西。


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Topic 主題:陶笛比賽

Q1: The 5th and 6th graders competed in an ocarina competition last Saturday.

Q2:  Students will have classes on January 1,2025.

Q3:  The ocarina competition was held at Mingli Elementary School.

Hello everyone! Happy New Year. As the year 2024 comes to an end, we welcome 2025 with open arms and are excited for the year ahead. Though our school is small, students at DaShin elementary school have been making some last minute accomplishments to list before the new year. This past Saturday, 5th and 6th grade students competed in the Ocarina competition at Mingli elementary school. Congratulations to all of them! 

As the new year is approaching, students are excited to have a day off of classes to celebrate on January 1, 2025. I hope everyone has a restful day to take care of themselves before we have our end of semester tests. Good luck! 

大家好!新年快樂。 2024 年即將結束,我們張開雙臂迎接 2025 年,並​​對未來的一年感到興奮。雖然我們的學校很小,但大新小學的學生們在新年前夕取得了一些最後的成績。上週六,明立小學五年級和六年級的學生參加了陶笛比賽。祝賀他們所有人!

新年即將來臨,學生們很高興能在 2025 年 1 月 1 日放假一天來慶祝。祝你好運!

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Topic 主題:聖誕節到了!

Q1: Santa Claus rides a sleigh pulled by wolves.

Q2: The stockings were hung by the door with care.

Q3: Santa came down the chimney with a bundle of toys.

Christmas is finally here! To celebrate, I’d like to read to you my favorite Christmas Story, Twas the Night Before Christmas. This story is read all over the United States Bsx Bass. It’s very popular with kids, and we love to read it right before Christmas. Here we go!

聖誕節終於來了!為了慶祝,我想為你們讀我最喜歡的聖誕故事,《聖誕節前夕》。這個故事在美國各地 Bsx Bass 都有閱讀。這本書很受孩子們的歡迎,我們喜歡在聖誕節前閱讀它。開始了!

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

"Now, DASHER! now, DANCER! now, PRANCER and VIXEN!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,

Topic 主題:校外教學!

Q1: On Tuesday, students will take a field trip to the National Museum of Natural Science.

Q2: The students will bake Christmas cookies during Math class.

Q3: The teacher is excited to share a Christmas tradition with the students.

This week is a very exciting week at DaShin Elementary School. On Tuesday, all students will take a field trip to the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung. We’re all ready for a fun and exciting day of learning about the world around us. Personally, I hope to see some dinosaur bones! 

Students will also get into the holiday spirit this week by baking Christmas cookies during English classes. I hope you all bring your sweet tooth to class! I’m very excited to share one of my favorite Christmas traditions with you all this year. Let’s make it a great week for everyone. 



Topic 主題:十二月了!

Q1: Christmas is a special holiday that many people celebrate.

Q2: Students are preparing for final exams in December.

Q3: Sports day was not a success. 

Welcome to the month of December! Later this month, we’ll celebrate Christmas together here at school. In the US, Christmas is a very important holiday that many people celebrate with family and friends. This time of year is very special to lots of people across the world; it is a time of excitement and anticipation. This year, I’m excited to spend Christmas here with all of you.

I hope we can all celebrate Christmas together, and learn something along the way. 

In other news, sports day was a big success. Students are now enjoying a normal week of learning and preparing for the end-of-semester exams in January. 




Topic 主題:歡慶大新國小60週年校慶

Q1: Students performed a lion dance and a Chinese yoyo show.

Q2: The mayor of Changhua County visited the school for the celebration.

Q3:  The new school garden was built on an old slide.

Congratulations to all of our students at DaShin elementary school for a wonderful sports day and 60th anniversary celebration. Students demonstrated a number of skills in their performances, including a group dance, unicycle performance, roller skating performance, karate performance, lion dance, chinese yoyo performance, and ocarina performance. 

Students in all of these performances represented our school well for many important guests, including the mayor of Changhua county, who visited us for a short time during the day, and saw the new school garden, built to improve our school’s beauty on an old slide no longer used by the school. We hope all students are able to enjoy the new garden as well. Congratulations to all of our students who participated in sports day! 




Topic 主題:感恩

Q1: Thanksgiving is a day to say thank you.

Q2: The 60th anniversary celebration is in 5 days.

Q3:  In the USA, families eat a big meal together for Thanksgiving.

This week at DaShin elementary school, we’re excited to learn something new. Midterms have ended, which means we’re getting back to learning. Students are preparing for the 60th anniversary celebration, and the weather has cooled down a lot. Fall is here! 

In 10 days, we’ll celebrate Thanksgiving, just before the 60th anniversary celebration. Thanksgiving is a day for celebration and giving thanks for the things we have. Say thank you to your parents, for food, family, and everything else in life. In the USA, Thanksgiving is a big holiday- every family will come together to cook and eat a meal together. There’s so much food that we eat the leftovers for days. I hope everyone enjoys Thanksgiving next week. Eat something good! 


10 天后,我們將慶祝感恩節,就在 60 週年慶典之前。感恩節是一個慶祝和感謝我們所擁有的東西的日子。向父母表示感謝,感謝他們的食物、家庭和生活中的一切。在美國,感恩節是重要的節日-每個家庭都會聚在一起煮飯、一起吃飯。食物太多了,我們好幾天都吃剩菜。我希望大家下週感恩節過得愉快。吃點好東西吧!


Topic 主題:期中考

Q1: Students at DaShin Elementary took their final tests last week.

Q2:  The 60th anniversary celebration will be on November 30th. 

Q3:  Students practiced unicycles and high jump for Sports Day.

Last week at DaShin elementary school, students prepared for and took their midterm tests. Throughout the week, students practiced English, math, history and more in order to do their best on these midterm tests. I wish all students good luck on receiving their midterm scores.

Additionally, our sports day and 60th anniversary celebration is fast approaching and will be held on Saturday, November 30th. Students have also been practicing their sports skills including unicycle, chinese yoyo, high jump, running, and other sports. I’ve had a lot of fun playing baseball with the third grade! I hope everyone has a good week ahead. 


此外,我們的運動會和 60 週年慶典即將到來,將於 11 月 30 日星期六舉行。學生們也練習了獨輪車、悠悠球、跳高、跑步等運動技能。我在三年級時打棒球很開心!我希望每個人都有美好的一周。


Topic 主題:萬聖節

Q1: Students learned Halloween words and watched horror movies.

Q2: One of the Halloween activities at DaShin Elementary is decorating cupcakes.

Q3: Halloween is a holiday for celebrating spirits.

Hi Everyone! Halloween is this week, which means we’re putting on our spookiest clothes and getting ready to trick-or-treat here at DaShin elementary school. In the USA, Halloween is a minor holiday for celebrating spirits, but most people celebrate by dressing up in costumes and having fun with their friends. Students have had fun practicing halloween-related words, watching American English Halloween cartoons, decorating halloween-themed cupcakes, and coloring skeletons to decorate the school with. 

I hope everyone is as excited to celebrate halloween as i am! I’ll be watching “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.” a classic halloween cartoon in the USA, and eating some good pumpkin dishes. 




Topic 主題:回歸正常上課

Q1: Students at DaShin Elementary took their final tests last week.

Q2:  The 60th anniversary celebration will be on November 30th. 

Q3:  Students practiced unicycles and high jump for Sports Day.

This week at DaShin elementary school, we’re looking forward to a normal week of classes. Following weeks of celebration, typhoon days and national holidays, everyone is happy to return to a normal week of school and get back to full-time learning. This week, students have been busy practicing all sorts of activities. Chinese yoyo, unicycle, war drum, ocarina and English are practiced by our older grades, with younger grades focusing on their classes and having fun. 

Our next school event will be held on November 30th. Celebrating our school’s 60th anniversary, as well as the athletic abilities of our students, we hope sports day will be a big hit! As students continue to practice, we encourage the school community to show up and show out for this event, and to bring their best cheering spirit. 




Topic 主題:英語朗讀比賽

Q1: Students learned Halloween words and watched horror movies.

Q2: One of the Halloween activities at DaShin Elementary is decorating cupcakes.

Q3: Halloween is a holiday for celebrating spirits.

This week, fifth graders at DaShin Elementary School headed to the reading competition in ErLin to show off their English reading skills. The fifth grade class practiced for many weeks leading up to the competition, and worked hard to put on their best performance representing DaShin elementary school. Even though they did not win an award this year, we should all be proud of their performance. 

As midterm exams approach, we are all preparing to be very busy here at Dashin elementary school. I’d like to encourage students to have fun while studying, and to take care of their health as midterms and winter approach. Students: you can do this! Don’t worry. 




Topic 主題:準備慶祝六十週年校慶

Q1: Students at DaShin Elementary are practicing activities like Chinese yoyo and unicycle this week.

Q2: The next school event will be held on December 30th. 

Q3: DaShin Elementary is turning 60 years old this year.

Last week, students across Taiwan were given two days off of school for a typhoon, which made landfall on the southern part of Taiwan. Even though our area received little rain, we gladly had two days to rest at home, to prepare for next week's festivities as this week, the DaShin elementary community is celebrating the 60th anniversary of DaShin elementary school! Hurray! 

The celebration will be held on Tuesday, October 8th, at the Beidou public library, where parents and community members can come see all the festivities. The celebration will feature a war drum performance by students, as well as an art gallery showing students works, titled “my artistic world.” We hope all our community members will come and join us for a morning of celebration! 




Topic 主題:大新學生慶祝教師節

Q1: Teacher’s Day in Taiwan is celebrated on September 28th. A: True

Q2: Confucius was a famous scientist. A: False

Q3: Dashin Elementary School is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. A: True 

This week at Dashin elementary school, students are preparing for teacher’s day, which is celebrated in Taiwan on September 28th. This week, students are drawing pictures and writing notes to give to teachers to thank the teachers for helping them learn. 

In Taiwan, teacher’s day is celebrated on September 28th in honor of Confucious’ birthday. Confucius was an ancient philosopher, who wrote many classic books and poems, and is known for his beliefs on being peaceful and respectful to parents and elders. 

Teacher’s day in the USA is celebrated at the beginning of May, and is a smaller holiday. I’m happy to celebrate teacher’s day here in Taiwan! 

DaShin elementary school is also preparing for the 60th anniversary celebration that will be held on October 8th in the Beidou Public Library. Students and teachers are getting excited! 






Topic 主題:大新學生慶祝中秋節

Q1: Students had school on Tuesday to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. A: False

Q2: Families ate mooncakes and looked at the moon at night.

Q3: The Earthquake Disaster Prevention Drill will happen on September 20th.

This week, students at Dashin Elementary School celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival, commonly called the Moon Festival. Students and teachers had Tuesday off of school to celebrate with family and watch the moon as it passed by at night. Many students ate mooncakes, pomelos, and barbeques with their families. I celebrated the moon festival with my friends, and ate lots of delicious food. At night, many families set off fireworks to celebrate, and enjoyed looking up to the sky to remember Chang’e during the festival. I hope all students and teachers had a wonderful and restful moon festival. 

Students and teachers are also preparing for the yearly Earthquake Disaster Prevention Drill, which will happen this Friday, September 20th, so I’d like to remind everyone to be prepared!   





Topic 主題:歡迎新學生

Q1: On their first day of school, first graders beat a drum once to signify good luck. A: False

Q2: First graders received a uniform and school supplies during the introductory assembly. A: True

Q3: The first graders took a picture with the principal on their first day of school. A: True 

This week, students at Dashin Elementary School started their second week of school. During the first week of school, there were many celebrations to welcome returning students back to the school, as well as provide a warm welcome for incoming first-grade students. On their first day of school, first grade students. entered the school with their parents, where they beat a drum three times to signify good luck for the school year, and took a picture with the principal. Once the school day began, students and their parents gathered once more in the multipurpose classroom to attend an introductory assembly, where they met school staff and received required materials for classes. Each student received a uniform, as well as many school supplies, which parents helpfully labeled for each student. First graders once again took a fun picture with the principal while receiving supplies. Now, as the first graders start their second week of school, we all wish them and all returning students the best of luck! 



Topic主題:Teacher Amelia 艾米莉亞老師

看Teacher Amelia的影片,回答 True or False

Q1: Teacher Amelia is from the United States. 

Answer: True

Q2: Teacher Amelia says it’s not good to make mistakes. 

Answer: False

Q3: Teacher Amelia believes that learning English should be fun. 

Answer: True


Hello everyone! My name is Teacher Amelia, and I'm from North Carolina, a beautiful state in the Southeastern United States. I'm thrilled to be here and meet all of you! As a teacher, I'm passionate about helping you learn English in a fun and exciting way. Through our classes, we'll explore language, culture, and creativity together.


 I believe that learning should be an adventure, so I always work to bring plenty of fun activities and cultural experiences to our classroom. We'll play games, sing songs, and explore different cultures together. Let's make learning English a wonderful journey!


Please don’t be afraid to make mistakes, it’s only part of learning, and mistakes are expected. learning how to correct them will be our fun part! 


I hope you'll come to class with an open mind. Remember, making mistakes gives us the chance to grow and improve, and every day is a fresh start. Let's have a fantastic year together!
